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Chloe Turner is a trans writer and researcher based in London, who works internationally.

Turner is currently completing a PhD with the Centre for Feminist Research, Goldsmiths University of London  on the transgender disinformation crisis. Turner's PhD thesis connects anti-transgender rhetoric to studies of disinformation and an information environment characterised by moral panics about manipulation and coercion, the propagation of falsehoods and the production, organisation, detection, and perception of contagious and deceptive communication.


In 2023 Turner was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute for Social and Economic Research & Policy, Columbia University, New York City, with support from the UK International Coronavirus Network and the Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness.  In 2024 Turner is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Chair of Transgender Studies, University of Victoria, B.C, Canada.


Turner's writing at the intersection of transgender studies and media & communications can be found or is forthcoming in European Journal of Cultural Studies, The Sociological Review, Culture, Health & Sexuality, Media Theory, The Geographical Journal, New Sociological Perspectives and Sonic Scope: New Approaches to Audiovisual Culture. Turner's public essays can be found or forthcoming in the The Dilettante ArmySoapbox: Journal of Cultural AnalysisMetaphor as Metamorphosis Art Journal, The Polphony and The Bittersweet Review.


Turner is an Associate Lecturer at Central Saint Martins teaching transgender rights in media, design and AI futures and External Supervisor at the Netherlands Film Academy. Turner has previously taught as an Associate Lecturer at the Design School at LCC, University of the Arts London and the Department of Media, Communications and Cultural Studies and Department of Art/Critical Practice both at Goldsmiths University of London and has been a Guest Lecturer at institutes such as the University of Amsterdam and Goethe University Frankfurt.


Turner is the Governance and Ethics Strategist of The Museum of Transology, the largest collection of material culture of transgender, non binary and intersex lives in the world. The collection is currently housed at the Bishopsgate Institute, London United Kingdom.


Bridging theory and culture, Turner has previously been in conversation with queer and trans artists including as part of the Trans+OnScreen & Picturehouse UK opening night panel of Orlando: My Political Biography [dir: Paul B. Preciado] (2024); with photographer Lydia Garnett to provide the exhibition text for her shows 'Guns Out' (2023) and ‘Close Shave’ (2022); as part of the film 'Yes to the Work!' [dir: Holly Antrum] (2022); alongside Dr Althea Greenan curator of the Womens Art Library, London as part the ‘Being, Making, Becoming’ (2022) project collaboration between Art360 Foundation, London and Hauzer & Wirth, New York and with writer D Mortimer as part of program 'Where Life Begins' (2021) at Neumarkt Theatre, Zurich.


As a researcher, Turner's long running project Feel Tanks  (2018 -) a queer feminist methodology has been supported as part of multiple British Academy / Leverhulme Trust projects (2019 & 2021-2022) and AHRC funded research projects (2020), the most recent being 'Feeling, Making, Imagining Time: Everyday temporal experiences in the Covid-19 pandemic' with Professor Rebecca Coleman (University of Bristol) and Dr Dawn Lyons (University of Kent). This is one of several Covid19 projects that Turner has worked on, with further projects considering pandemic futures under funding consideration with the ESRC 2025-2026 and beyond.


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