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Chloe Turner is a trans writer and researcher based in London, who works internationally.

Writing and Conversations

Writing in progress:

Turner, C. 'The First Trans Masterpiece: Praise and its Discontents in the Transgender Disinformation crisis' Journal of Visual Culture

Under Review:

Turner, C. ‘Leveraging the Skyline with the Museum of Transology' Amsterdam Museum Journal [Special Issue: Co-Creating Cities].


Turner, C. '10 Years since the Transgender Tipping Point: A Syllabus' History Workshop.


Academic Writing:

Turner, C. (forthcoming) ‘Viral Discourse: Linking HIV/AIDS, Covid-19 and the Transgender Health Crises’ Culture, Health and Sexuality 

Turner, C. (forthcoming) [Film Review] 'Orlando: My Political Biography' [dir: Paul B. Preciado] The Polyphony

Coleman. R, Lyons, D & Turner, C. (forthcoming) 'Present Feelings, Feeling Presents: Liveness in Research on Time and Feeling during the Covid19 pandemic' Special Issue: Live Methods Revisited, The Sociological Review 

Turner, C. (2024) 'The Trans Space Invader: Out of Time and Out of Affect' in Special Issue: 20 Years since Nirmal Puwar 'Space Invaders' European Journal of Cultural Studies

Turner, C. (2024) 'Berlant, Academic Stardom and Devotional Publics' The Dilettante Army, (16 April 2024) 

Turner, C. (2024). [Book Review] 'Mad World: The Politics of Mental Health' by Micha Frazer-Carroll' New Sociological Perspectives, 3(2), 79-82.

Turner, C. & Coleman, R. (2024) 'Genre Trouble, Feel Tanks and Memetic Flailing', Special Issue: Lauren Berlant and Media Studies, Media Theory , 7(2), 329-352.

Turner, C. (2023) 'Feel Tanks' Encountering Berlant: Concepts Otherwise, The Geographical Journal, 0(0), p.1-26.

Turner, C. (2022)  'Leaking Across Time: Icy Lake and Kevin Aviance', Sonic Scope: New Approaches to Audiovisual Culture

Turner, C. (2021) 'Last Night A DJ Saved my Life' Metaphor as Metamorphosis: Art Journal, Issue 1: Summer

Turner, C. (2021) 'Remixing as Reincarnation: Contagious trans*reproduction in the work of boychild,' Soapbox: Journal of Cultural Analysis, University of Amsterdam


'Orlando: My Political Biography' (2024) [dir: Paul B. Preciado] Part of the Picturehouse Cinema and Trans+ On Screen Opening Night Panel of transgender artists, academics, film makers and actors in conversation, 3 July 2024.

'Beyond Non-Binary' Panel Discussion organised by the LGBT+Cam at The University of Cambridge, 27 February 2024.

'Guns Out' (2023) Lydia Garnett in conversation with Chloe Turner, [Exhibition Text] SomeSuchStories Issue 7 Launch, Young Space, London, 4 October 2023 , avaliable to read as part of the HÄN Archive

'Being, Making, Becoming: Women's Art Archives as Sites of Activation' (2022) Dr Althea Greenan in conversation with Chloe Turner and Lauren Craig, organised by Art360 Foundation and Hauser & Wirth Institute as part of the Extended Network Network at Flat Time House.

'Yes to the Work! The Women's Art Library' (United Kingdom, 2022, 30') Director: Holly Antrum. The film is framed by the voice and presence of Dr Althea Greenan, and features conversations with many WAL researchers across generations including: Felicity Allen, Sarah Carne, Claire Collison, Lauren Craig, Galit Criden, Clare Gasson, Catherine Grant, Rita Keegan, Gina Nembhard, Symrath Patti, Nirmal Puwar, Gaytri Roopnarine and Chloe Turner.

'Close Shave' (2022) Lydia Garnett in  conversation with Chloe Turner [Exhibition text] Toppins Studio, London. 20 October - 17 November 2023.

Turner, C. & Mortimer, D. (2021) 'Pregnant Dancefloors and TransBirthings: A Conversation with Chloe Turner and D Mortimer.' Part of 'Stretch Marks' by The Agency, prelude to 'Where Life Begins' (2021) at Neumarkt Theatre, Zurich, Switzerland.

Blackman, L. Gunaratnam Y. & Turner, C. (2018) 'Cultures of Consent: Examining the Complexity of Power and Sexual Misconduct,' Centre for Feminist Research Research Blog, Goldsmiths University of London 

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