Chloe Turner is a writer and researcher currently completing a PhD with the Centre for Feminist Research, Goldsmiths University of London on the transgender disinformation crisis. In 2023 Turner was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy at Columbia University, New York City. In 2024 Turner is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Chair of Transgender Studies, University of Victoria, B.C. Canada.
Turner's writing on queer/trans studies can be found or forthcoming in the European Journal of Cultural Studies, Culture, Health & Sexuality, The Geographical Journal, Media Theory, The Sociological Review, New Sociological Perspectives, Sonic Scope: New Approaches to Audiovisual Culture and Soapbox: Journal of Cultural Analysis. Turner's public writing can be found or forthcoming in The Dilettante Army, Metaphor as Metamorphosis Art Journal, The Polyphony and History Workshop.
Turner is the Governance and Ethics Strategist of The Museum of Transology, the largest collection of material culture of transgender, non binary and intersex lives in the world.
Turner is an Associate Lecturer at Central Saint Martins teaching on transgender rights across media, design and AI future. Turner has previously held Associate Lecturer positions with the Design School at LCC, University of the Arts London and the Department of Media, Communications and Cultural Studies and Department of Art/Critical Practice both at Goldsmiths University of London. ​​​​
Turner is available for writing, seminars, workshops and external advisory supervision in the UK and internationally - mail: chloeturneruk@gmail.com