(Image is speaker's own created in homage to Tammy Rae Carland's Lesbian Beds (2002) series
Feel Tank: Lockdown Lethargy
Chase Feminist Network\
Sharing Research & Practice: Methods and Practice
28th February 2020
‘Feel Tanks’ (a spin of ‘think tank’) derive their name from one cell of a larger group known as the Public Feelings Project which operated from the conviction that ‘understanding affective investment can be the a starting point for theoretical insight into the workings of capitalism, racism and sexism within power structures.’ (Cvetkovich, 2012)
Through over a fifteen workshops, seminars and lectures in the UK and internationally, Chloe Turner has been using ‘Feel Tanks’ as both intellectual enquiry and call-to-arms, to consider how to sustain living under capitalism in the current moment.
In the continuing struggles against global anti-Black, queer/transphobic conservative governance, pandemic "new normal“ living and the stripping of arts and humanities funding, nurturing spaces of care and connection have never felt more pressing. How do we bring into being the feminist space we want to be a part of? A space where we gift our labour to each other as opposed to institutions, co-create the spaces to weather the coming disasters and mobilise a resistance that centres pleasure and joy.
Feel Tank: Lockdown Lethargy
This session relates to the feelings raised by navigating, coming up to, a year in 'lockdown' - how this relates to accessibility, sustainability and the worlds we want to create in 2021.
The workshop is part of the CHASE Feminist Network 2021 Conference: Sharing Research & Practice: Methods and Practice