'Feel Tank as Method: Why We Can't Wait Any Longer' fully Open-Access citation list:
Sondra Perry Typhoon Coming On (2018)
T Fleischmann "Clutch's Hormones and Benjy's HIV Meds on a Mirror” (2015)
T Fleischmann ‘Time it the Thing the Body Moves Through’
Except from the book and artwork
Khairani Barokka 'AntiVertical Normative' (2017)
Dean Spade, Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity During the Crisis
Zoom Video Recording with closed captions (CC) and ASL.
Saidiya Hartman, The Plot of our Undoing
Downloadable Essay
Walidah Imarisha, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarinsha, Adrienne Maree Brown and Mia Mingus, ‘The Fictions and Futures of Transformative Justice’
Free access article
Jackie Wang Interrupt V
Lecture Video with CC
Lauren Berlant, Why Chasing the Good Life is Holding Us Back
Podcast & Transcription
Lauren Berlant Public Feelings Salon
Conference Video
Avery Gordon cited in ‘On Heritage and Hauntology’ by Colin Sterling
Free Access Article
Sondra Perry cited in ‘A Drift in the Chroma Key Blues: A chat with Sondra Perry on Black Radicality + Things that are yet to happen in Typhoon coming on’ by Tamar Clarke-Brown
Free access article
Saidiya Hartman ‘Afterlife of Slavery’
Interview with the New York Times
Christina Sharpe ‘The Weather’
Free access excerpt from The Wake: On Blackness and Being
Rebecca Schneider Keynote at P/Re/Enact! - Performing in Between Time
Video recording of the lecture
Chloe Turner ‘Remixing as Reincarnation: Contagious Trans*birthing in the work of boychild’
Free access article
Tourmaline preface to Faggots and Their Friends Between Revolutions by Larry Mitchell
Audio recording, read by The Right Lube