Sad, Broke and Overworked - Zine publication
Feminist Postgraduate Forum
Goldsmiths College, University of London,
August 2018
“Sad, Broke and Overworked” emerged as a collaged zine idea about the struggles of being a Feminist student.
As a precarious student within a neoliberal academy that holds rigorous demands for productivity, achievement and individualised merit - it is increasingly hard to create and maintain space. In a predominantly male, white, cis-gendered, able bodied environment, it places higher demands on feminist, queer, crip communities to work harder, engage longer, give more of themselves to be heard and recognised within institutional structures.
“Sad, Broke and Overworked” aims to consider the position of the depressed feminist student, thorough a zine publication that both attempts to poke fun at this collective position whilst also considering strategies to utilise these negatives affects as a site of healing and constructive value.
The project was created as part of the Feminist Postgraduate Forum series, printed and distributed within the Centre for Feminist Research network and kindly funded by the Building Academic Communities Fund, Goldsmiths College.